I Hugged A Clown Today
“It just wasn’t a real birthday party in the 80’s unless each kid left with some sort of lingering PTSD. This is me, clearly thrilled with the sticker on my dress that says ‘I hugged a clown today.'”
(submitted by IG @ca.rla2356)
Seven Heaven
“My beautiful 7th birthday. At least my father was happy.”
(submitted by IG @moonbiien)
Just Say Yes
“This sign was hanging in my aunt and uncle’s garage when they bought their house and for some reason nobody realized the DRUGS sign was the backdrop for a children’s birthday celebration picture.”
(submitted by Kara)
The Birthday Bunny
“This is a picture of me and the (terrifying) bunny my mother hired for my 1st birthday party in the summer of 1988.”
(submitted by IG @veda.leone)
Nightmare Barney
“Nightmare Barney making an appearance at my 2nd birthday party in 1993.”
(submitted by IG @mbertel_313)
Happiest Birthday
“It’s my sister’s birthday in 1968 at the party where no one smiled.”
(submitted by IG @lorrainescatsandworld)
Three’s A Crowd
“My three cousins all have birthdays very close together in October and weren’t thrilled to share their Jack-o-Lantern birthday cake and party. ”
(submitted by Natalie)
Birthday Boy
“Our son’s yearly trip to the photographer didn’t go well that year.”
(submitted by Bob)
Spank E. Cheese
“This is me in 1984 getting spanked by Chuck E. Cheese on my 10th Birthday. I do not know why my mom didn’t see what was wrong with this picture!”
(submitted by IG @wilksea)