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Big Red

“My amazing mullet!”

(submitted by Annie)

Ragged Ann

“All the other kids were terrified of the giant doll, but not our granddaughter.”

(submitted by Peggy)

The ‘Do of ’72

“My mom cut my bangs for picture day, 1972.”

(submitted by IG @keciadeveney)

As The Wheels Turn

“My kids had mixed feelings about lifting the cheese wheel. Amsterdam, Netherlands.”

(submitted by Ken)

The Scream

“My son’s preschool picture. And he still hates them.”

(submitted by Denise)

What The Fork?

“I was in a Beauty and the Beast musical theatre dance number in 2002 when I was 13 years old and 6 ft tall. Why did they make the 6ft tall girl be the fork? I couldn’t even get through a doorway.”

(submitted by IG @beethomsen)

The Masterpiece

“My senior photo, 1989. I remember the photographer and his helper had to move their set up back in order to capture my whole head. Side note: this picture got me voted Greatest 80s Hair by National Geographic TV’s contest.”

(submitted by Mark)

Head Games

“For Christmas in the mid nineties, I wanted and received this operation-style game that zapped you in the head every time the wand touched the edge of the maze.”

(submitted by IG @weeeds)

Crop Tops

“Me with my sisters and cousin, Australia, circa 1993. It’s criminal what my mum did to our hair.”
(submitted by IG @ruthmcourtney)

She’s With the Band

“My saxy 1983 school photo.”

(submitted by IG @macwendi71)