Chocolate Baby
“Discovered that one digitizing my grandparents slides. Must have been around the late 1960s. We are not certain about what happend prior to this photo been taken. Our hypothesis: The girl stole and eat the boys chocolate and got into trouble for doing so. Result: Girl sad, boy sad. We’ll never truly know, but this is just epic. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.”
(submitted by Judith in Germany)
He’s Just Not That Into You
Larry wasn’t as enthused about his grandparent’s 50th anniversary. And yes, his real name is Larry.
(submitted by Amanda)
Where Sleeping Dogs Lie
“While my hubby, son, and I were playing Minecraft, my 2.5 year old daughter was playing in the playroom behind me. After a while I noticed the absence of noise, turned around, and found this sight. She had fallen asleep in the last position she had been playing in which happened to be laid out on top of my Corgi. The dog is not very intelligent and just laid there with a 35 lb toddler on top of her for what must have been 20 minutes or more. After snapping the pic I took the baby to her own bed and the dog acted like nothing happened.”
(submitted by Anna)
First Communion
“In 1987, I began the current trend of Duck Lips to my mother’s disgust and my grandmother’s sheer amazement.”
(submitted by Adam)
Beware Of Crocs
“My dad was taking a photo of my husband pushing our daughter on the swing, and just at the moment he clicked the shutter a kid walked in front of her and BAM. For the record: After a few minutes of crying he was fine, and the kid’s mom thought this photo was so funny that she had my dad share it with her so she could send it to her relatives. Upon seeing the photo, a friend of ours commented, “Get used to it, kid. Girls are going to be kicking you in the face for the rest of your life….”
(submitted by Christina)