Baby Stylin’
“People kept commenting on how much hair our baby son has. Naturally this was the next step.”
(via source)
Bang Your Head
“Eighth grade was hard but I remember that this day was a particularly successful day for my bangs. In the yearbook my face was set conspicuously lower in the portrait frame than everyone else to make room for my bangs.”
(submitted by Julia)
The Bat Mullet
“Dad said I could pick any haircut I wanted. I went with a Batman logo faded into a mullet.”
(via source)
“Remember when white boy dreads, eyebrow piercings, and tinted glasses were cool? I don’t, but I thought I did back in 2001.”
(via source)
Sisters Of The Corn
“My sister (on the right) and I in 1980. What the hell was my mother thinking with the hideous hair cuts? And can we talk about the scary psychotic look on my sister’s face?”
(submitted by Monica)