“My 1991 school photo showcasing the turtleneck, flower top, bowl cut trifecta.”
(submitted by IG @kristenlee47)
All Killer No Filler
“My sister’s communion…And I really loved Sum 41.”
(submitted by IG @dadkyle69)
Cemetery Chic
“This was taken in New Orleans circa 1986. I am pretty sure it was 105°F that day. My mother told my Dad and I to pose in front of the mausoleums. Is there any doubt that we were tourists? Is there any further doubt that we made that cemetery look good? This picture is a reminder why Jam shorts and midriffs went out of style.”
(submitted by Charles)
Single Motherhood
“My Mom took me and my brothers to get our picture taken. The look on Mom’s face sums up what it’s like to be a single mother.”
(submitted by Colette)
Crappy Halloween
“Here is a picture of me and my younger brother on Halloween. My brother got sick and was not allowed to trick or treat. I was able to go and my brother was clearly not happy about it.”
(submitted by IG @kdesch)
Just Dew It
“This is me on the right with one of my best friends and this was for my senior pictures, class of 2005. We just loved Mountain Dew & couldn’t get enough of it!”
(submitted by IG @shrammered)
Grandfather Knows Best
“Summers at my grandparent’s house in Austin, TX in the 80’s were the best where we would tool around town on grandad’s moped. Helmets, shoes, and pants optional. What could possibly go wrong?”
(submitted by Denise)
Wild Kingdom
“My daughter when she was about one year old had her face photoshopped into animal scenes for a children’s book someone made for us when we lived as ex pats in China.”
(submitted by IG @laurakrzyw)
Say Yes To The Vest
“On family picture day, we were made to wear these homemade vests with prints of Scottish terriers on them. But what the camera doesn’t capture is the shame we felt when we put them on. Unable to look each other in the eye, we bore our humiliation with silent equanimity. The dogs and the baby weren’t having it either.”
(submitted by Christopher)
Poster Children
“My brother and I were asked to do a shoot for our hairdresser. I think we got a free lunch out of the deal and a life size poster!”
(submitted by Jennifer)