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Dazed And Confused

“What’s confusing (echoed by the bewildered looks on our faces) is that *this* is the photo that our parents chose to buy. How bad were the others?

(submitted by IG @kimberly_g and IG @k3v.7n)

Santa’s Little Helper

“I was either 2 or 3 and was visiting ‘Santa’ at my dad’s job.”

(submitted by Dan)


“This picture is of my little sister and me in 1996. I loved playing with my baby sister so I was holding her up in the air over my head, playing ‘airplane’. My mom told me moments before this photo was taken that she just ate and that I probably shouldn’t do that but I told her that she already burped and playing with her will be fine. Mom was right.”

(submitted by Rachel)

Backseat Rider

“Christmas of 1982.  I was 2 years old and obviously not the favorite child.  My only option was to take a literal back seat to my sister if I wanted to go sleigh riding. Apparently this was seemed like a safe idea to my dad and my mom who snapped the shot. This picture pretty much sums up the next 30 years of my life.”

(submitted by Kristin)

Free Bird

“I don’t know where this was taken, I think I blocked the whole experience from my memory. I’m not sure why there is a mime next to a Big Bird lookalike. If you look closely you’ll notice Big Bird’s muscular thighs.”

(submitted by Jen) 

Clown Jam

“Why my parents loved to have clowns at our birthday parties I’ll never understand.”

(submitted by IG @darlene212)

Feeling Flushed

“My sister has four boys. She couldn’t find the youngest. And here he was!”

(submitted by Lori)

Permullet Permullet Permullet

“What was my mom thinking? Shoulder pads, silky purple shirt, massive doily collar, strange cat sweater, but worst of all permed mullets!”

(submitted by Kristin) 

The Blowout

“My mom and aunt were always into the big huge 80’s hair, but seriously wtf is on my head? My aunt did my hair, and my mom loved it enough to allow me to get professional pictures taken.”

(submitted by Christina) 


“If it weren’t for ‘vigilant’ mothering and quick intervention, I could have been trampled by a herd of goats when I was 4 yrs old. I can’t imagine the impact that such a scene would have had on my equally tender and dutiful sister, who perpetually wore her school gym uniform outside of class.”

(submitted by Katie)