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Captain U.S.A.

Sometimes, it all just works.

(submitted by Jennifer)

Fruits Of Her Labor

American ingenuity at work.

(submitted by Debbie)

Our Bodyguards

You can imagine everyone’s surprise when they showed up in the same outfit.

(submitted by Ivan in Russia)

Birds On A Wire

Hey, it’s a living.

(submitted by Ivan)


It rarely made it through airport security.

(submitted by Jake)

Hot Ticket

Remember, if you don’t request him, you aren’t gonna get him.

(submitted by Ken)


She was Vitamin D deficient.

(submitted by Debbie)

Recreating The Awkwardness: Open Arms

(submitted by Jim)

In Your Face

A sign that things might not work out.

(submitted by Francis)


Always best to schedule your photo shoots on the days you don’t have a black eye.

(submitted by Molly)