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“My sister is the head pastry chef of a NYC restaurant. She made this for one of her friends who came in after his operation.”

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Renaissance Man

“My buddy found his 1572 doppelganger at the art museum.”

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Nature Boy

“Stuck his head in a hole in a tree to take a look. Guess what he found.”

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Self-Fulfilling T-Shirt Prophecy


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A Man For All Tinder Matches

“My friend wasn’t having any luck on Tinder ’til he updated his pictures.”

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The Half Monty

“I got married last week. My wife wanted me to take only serious photos with my groomsmen.”

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“Went to my neighbor’s house the other night for dinner. This was above his toilet. He’s the guy in the picture.”

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“Took a photo of my buddy fishing. I call this one ‘Damn, she found me.'”

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Ready To Mingle

“When you’re single but all your friends are in relationships.”

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Shoulder Tap

“The man in the background looks like he has a giant hand and it’s on the girl’s shoulder.”

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