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“1971. Sitting on my dad’s lap in our very yellow family photo.”

(submitted by IG @actionwoman

The Twins

“This is a photo of me with my twin baby sisters swaddled. I was helping my Mom around the house and it was their nap time so they slept in that Moby while I cleaned and did laundry so she could rest! I didn’t realize how this looked until I posted it on Facebook.”

(submitted by Sarah) 


Just Say Nokia

“The year my elementary school got creative with the yearbook photos.”

(submitted by IG @zoeiwanesky

Big Mama’s House

“My mom worked at this photography studio. She made us go for family pics because it counted as one of her sales. And she got to be the star of the portrait.”

(submitted by Carolyn) 

Poncho Patrol

“My mom buys clothes based on the perfect looking photos posted by online shops. These are the results.”

(submitted by IG @aand3girls

Player’s Club

“This is me aged fourteen at my aunt’s house playing dress up with her traditional party clothes. I have no idea why she had a giant Playboy mural on her wall, nor why my mother thought it was fine to photograph her teenage daughter next to it.”

(submitted by IG @shaggy_zaro

Under Woman

“Apparently wearing underoos for a Halloween costume back in 1984 (while posing in the most 1980s room ever) was completely acceptable for a 5 year old girl, according to my mom.”

(submitted by IG @gina_papagiorgio

Uncle Wally

“Uncle Wally is not a very good babysitter.”

(submitted by Liz)

Bowl Game

“The only thing more awkward than my bowl cut was the fact that my mom thought we should showcase it with this amazing photo.”

(submitted by IG @1katievasquez

The Chug

“This is a picture of my family on Easter sometime in the 90’s. I’m on the right with the stonewashed pink pants, mullet to match my older brother’s. The only thing in this picture that focuses the awkwardness away from me is my Grandpa in the next room slamming what I hope to be his first Easter beer of the day because if memory serves me correctly, we always took our pictures before church.”

(submitted by Phil)